Pet Service Prices

Initial visits to meet you and your animal are free of charge. All prices include VAT. Please contact us if you have any questions about our services or prices.

General Dog care
Day care or blocks of care are based from the owner’s flat or hotel. Please contact us directly for price.
1 overnight stay at your home€48
Walking and playing
1 x 1 hr walk or play€15
Care from your own home/hotel€12/hour
1 x 30-minute walk/visit€13
Cats and Small Animals
1 x 1 hr visit for 1 animal€17
1 x 30-minute visit for 1 or more animals€15
Visits to the vet, groomer etc.€15/hour
1 x 1hr visit for 2 or more animals€20
1 hour presencial treatment with the animal€20
30 to 45 min Distance Reiki session. Please contact us for more details€15
Other: Household Duties with no animals involved
No need for animals! This option is perfect for emptying the post box, watering plants, turning on or off lights, stocking the fridge with milk, or cleaning€13 for 30m visit
​€15 for 1h visit
  • For the following dates there will be an extra flat fee charge of €10: 6th, 8th, 25th, 26th December / 1st, 6th January / 24th June / Easter/ 1st May/15th August/11th September
  • There will be an extra transport charge for traveling distances outside of Barcelona Zone 1 or for any pet with a traveling time greater than 20 min from the city centre.
  • A deposit is required to confirm your booking, and on the date care starts the balance will need to be paid.​
  • Cancellations of bookings for overnight stays during the main holidays are subject to losing the deposit unless we are notified two weeks before the dates