Pet & Home Care Services
We offer everything that you may need for the care of your pet. Our pets include dogs, hamsters, birds, cats, tortoises, rabbits and guinea pigs. We attend to their needs and offer the love and comfort they are used to. We look forward to meeting any pet that you may have for us to care.
We also visit your home to attend to plants, pick up the post and offer a presence so that the houses are NOT noticeably empty of their families during trips and vacations away. You’ll find more details below.

Dog sitting & dog care
Overnight stays
This is generally the most preferred option for our dogs. They remain in their own familiar and homely environment with their similar routine while their humans are out of town.
How does it work?
We come to stay in your home, we bring our suitcase, computer, our own food and we become the familiar, favourite and fun ‘Human Aunty’ attending to the needs of your animals.
Extra benefits?
This is a wonderful option for larger and/or mixed animal families, and great for aged or infirm animals that need extra care, peace, comfort and medications.
Other benefits?
We take care of your home, we water the plants, pick up the post and become a valuable presence in what would otherwise be an empty house.
Overnight stays at mine
I offer beds for the night in my own home. The places are limited to dogs who are familiar with my home, who are able to cohabit well with other dogs and are toilet trained.
Dog walks
Walks are designed for either half an hour or an hour. We help out during the week when you are at work, during busy periods when you are unable to get home because of an unexpected meeting, during the weekends when you would like to spend the day at the beach or driving up the Costa Brava or during times of emergency and you need help at short notice.
Hotel care
We are able to stay for blocks of time with your animals if you are visiting Barcelona and have brought your dog with you. It is also their holiday! We are the dog sitter, allowing you to enjoy a night out in this beautiful city.
Collserola hikes and beach runs
We offer to transport your doggie family members to the wonderful Collserola and let them experience the smells of the forest, or, during the quieter off season months, to let loose along a swathe of sandy beach. Weekend excursions are also available.
Cat care
We visit your cats for hour or half hour periods. During this time we refresh their food bowls, refresh their drinking water, clean out their litter trays, offer play hunting, comfortable laps to curl up on and lots of loving attention. Cats generally prefer to stay in their own home environment. They are very territorial, and, unless they are used to travelling, they can become stressed staying away from home.
Small animal and bird care
Small animal care involves cleaning out cages, refreshing food and water, feeding fresh vegetables, allowing time out from cages and cuddles to everyone. We have cared for Felipe the tortoise giving him sunbathing time, visited Charlie the beautiful African Grey parrot while allowing her friend, a Rainbow parrot, to sit on our shoulders as we walked around cleaning and refreshing. Rabbits are brushed, Guinea pigs are cuddled and hamsters adored. No animal is too small or too exotic.
Other services
Reiki is an age-old system of hands-on healing. It is the energy of life. In the Usui system of Natural Healing this energy is honored and used as a guide in daily life. It is a tool used to accelerate healing from injury or illness, it helps with ageing issues, physical or emotional trauma, and with end of life issues. A wonderful and powerful way to love your pet unconditionally.
Pet personal assistant
This service is designed for busy, working owners who require help during the week, in taking their pet either to the vet, or to the groomer for that all important and refreshing haircut. This leaves you free to enjoy your pet during the weekend without distractions.
Urgent care
This service is designed to give you ‘peace of mind’ and is only offered to those clients and their pets that I already know. Like the insurance for your house, this ‘piece of mind’ allows you to relax in the knowledge that your pets will receive uninterrupted care while you are suddenly taken away.
Household duties
During those long summer holidays, Household Duties will offer a service of watering those plants, for example that gorgeous flowering jasmine, or attending to the kitchen herb garden. We can also pick up the post from the letter box or switch on and off lights to show an active presence in what would otherwise be an empty house.
Medical attention
We also have experience giving medication to our animals, whether it be daily injections, tablets or cleaning and dressing wounds.
Veterinary visits
We will take your pet to the vet if visits are needed when you are unavailable.
Weekend excursions
We will offer excursions into the natural environment on a pro rata basis.